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A.M.F. Services 

Going Beyond Boundaries...



PAINTING # 35:  X > 0

" For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he.. ." - Proverbs 23:7


''x > 0'  by  Alton Felix. 2021.  Acrylic on stone.

Artist's Commentary :

This painting depicts the state of mind when the unknown (x) happens, albeit  sudden and unexpected. Life's crises, for example, a global pandemic, severely affect all of us. Amidst fear and panic, and while dealing with grief and sorrow, such events can ultimately lead to the following experiences (either separately or collectively):

  1. No change or impact (zero) – very unlikely;
  2. Positive changes or impact (greater than zero)
  3. Negative changes or impact (less than zero)

The painting , x > 0 ( x greater than zero),  encourages us to seek out the positives - the benefits and blessings which can be derived from that unknown, and perhaps unfortunate experiences. God is still in control. 

Be blessed.


  Painting #36: Hear Ye


Kindly share on  your social media  and  invite your family and friends to view this exhibition. Thank you.   

Posted: 01/08/21



Heavenly Father, 

Heavenly Father, I thank You for keeping me. We are living in perilous times. Let me not be so consumed by the pain, suffering, fear and panic around me. Instead, help me to count my daily blessings and to continue to trust You for guidance and protection.

Hallowed be thy name!

When faced with the unknown, teach me so that I can understand that “
all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”  O Lord, grant unto me that spirit of discernment so that I can recognize those deceiving spirits and false prophets.

Guard my mind O Lord, so that I will not give room to the spirit of fear. I declare soundness of mind, strength and power to overcome ever difficult situation. I rebuke every spirit of depression and discouragement during these difficult times. I know that with Jesus in the midst of my every storm, there is peace of mind and comfort in my heart.

Help me to continue to sow love and kindness. Clothe me with a generous spirit to help those in need.

Teach me always to pray at the right time, and help me to be joyful in the midst of the battle. I thank You for answered prayer. In Jesus’ name I pray with thanksgiving. Amen. 


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“And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” – John 8:32


Series 11: Prophecy, Pestilence and Pandemic  More