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A.M.F. Services 

Going Beyond Boundaries...

 Art of Prayer 


"I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world." - John 16:33


Painting entitled 'Coming Out!' by Alton Felix (2021). Acrylic on stone

Sometimes life's trials can knock us down, and prevent us from moving forward. This happened to me. Mentally defeated, I felt as though there was no way out of this bottomless pit. I felt trapped... with bouts of depression, frustration and confusion swirling around in my mind. Then after trying to fight this battle on my own strength, I finally let go and release the situation unto God. If you are going through a similar situation, my advice to you is "Do not lose hope! Take heart! You are not alone. Jesus is fighting for you, for He loves you."

With His help, you are coming out from that mental prison! You are victorious in Christ. Let us agree today in prayer!


Art of Prayer #2: GOD, MY HELPER!

Heavenly Father,

I thank you for life! In spite of my tribulations, teach me to count my blessings daily.  I thank You for.... (state at least three things for which you are grateful).

I surrender all to You, at this moment. All my pains and hurts. All my fears and worries. Forgive me for any wrongdoings in my thoughts, words and deeds.

"Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."

I declare that this battle is the Lord's. In spite of my trials, I take heart, for You have overcome the world.

I thank you for releasing me from this mental prison, and for giving me the victory. Today I declare that I am free. I break every 'chain' that has held me down, and kept me from moving forward.

Today, I rise up, and press towards fulfilling God's divine purpose for my life!

In Jesus' name I pray with thanksgiving. Amen. 
