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A.M.F. Services 

Going Beyond Boundaries...




14 And God said unto Moses, I Am That I Am ” – Exodus 3:14


''I AM !'  by  Anaya and Alton Felix. 2019.  Acrylic on Stone.

Artist's Commentary :

The painting depicts the towering strength and power of the eternal GOD. The Great I Am that I Am. There is no other like Him. He is the same yesterday, today ad forever more! No pandemic can limit His awesome power to save the hopeless and those in distress. The many colours of the painting symbolizes His majesty and beauty, and His multi-faceted nature. He is:

1. Elohim. The God of incredible power and might. The One and only God;

2. Yahweh. The I Am;

3. Abba. Our loving Daddy and Father;

4. El Elyon. God Most High. The King of kings and Lord of lords;

5. El Roi. The God who sees. He sees our tears and hear our cries for help.1


Let us rise above our circumstances and shout praises and give thanks to a loving and merciful God!

Be blessed.

Note: 1.  Powerful Names of God & Their Meaning (

  See Painting 39


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Posted: 01/08/21



Series 11: Prophecy, Pestilence and Pandemic  More



Heavenly Father, Thank you for insights into the meanings of Your name. You are the I Am who existed before the beginning of time. Eternal God, You are the same yesterday, today and forever more.

Both You, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit are One. Jesus is my Lord and Master. Let Him continue to reign in my life. Holy Spirit guide me in all truth, and give me wisdom and understanding to know how to navigate these perilous times.

Father, help me to remember that I am mere clay in Your hands. Fashion me into a vessel that may bring honour and glory to Your name. Let me continue to draw closer to You, so that I may know Your mind and heart. Help me to walk in obedience and to continue to serve You in spirit and in truth.

O Lord, I raise the Banner, which is Jesus Christ over ever every battle in my life. Continue to fight against my enemies and give me victory over them. Thank You for making my enemies my footstool. 

Let me remain humble before You, in spite of my position, titles and achievements. As you promote me, let not the spirit of pride beset me. Let praise and thanksgiving fill my mouth every day as I testify of your marvelous works in my life.  

In Jesus’ name I pray with thanksgiving. Amen. 


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14 These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.”   - Revelation 17:14 .